OTEP May 19th Madison theater

Hello Chaotic Family.. We hope everyone is doing the best they can today.. So here it is.. This is something that Steve wanted so bad before he was taken from us.. We talked about this show like it was the opportunity of a lifetime for him and a chance to stand on a stage that he had previously only been a fan and supporting many many bands here on this stage.. But now it was his turn.. he wanted this more than you’ll ever know.. We are so happy to be able to make this show happen.. We couldn’t have made this happen without our brother Robert Smith .. We love you and we know Steve wouldn’t want anyone else to take his place for this show.. we appreciate DARK SOUL for allowing their front man to “cheat” on them for an evening .. Love you guys.. and you know this.. Sherry Hunter Smith we know there are the concerns and we understand and appreciate you allowing this and making this happen with Robert.. So much love to you all. So, enough talking right… Get on with it.. JOIN US … MAY 19TH at the Madison Theater with OTEP & SEPTEMBER MOURNING and special guest Critical Khaos with our much loved brother Robert at the helm leading the Chaos.. we can’t wait to share the stage with these bands and with Rob.. we appreciate everyone’s patience.. and yes… Your gonna need to get these tickets quick.. We’ll let you know as soon as we have them.. should have tickets this coming Monday.. Time to show that the CHAOTIC FAMILY IS STRONG AND MADE FROM MANY.